
Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

Get 1% Better Every Day!

Good day! Would you like to be up to date on the newest information on technology, society, and the future of the church? Go no further than "Get 1% Better," my weekly newsletter. It is completely free and sent to your mailbox every Monday! You can be certain that you are getting top-notch stuff because I manually curate the best articles and resources from throughout the internet. Sign up now to start receiving news and inspiration.

🎯 Unveil What's New at Mars Hill This Week: Updates, Inspirations, and More Awaiting You!

Hello Reader, Welcome to this week's Mars Hill Anywhere newsletter! As we gather in spirit and unity, we're excited to bring you updates that reflect our shared journey in faith and community. In this edition, we have included inspiring content, important updates, and opportunities for you to engage with our mission actively. Let's explore how we can grow together and positively impact both locally and globally. Health Update and Prayer Request I am delighted to share some good news about my...

🌟 Big Updates from Pastor Stowers: Discover What's New at Mars Hill!

Happy Hump Day Reader, I hope this message finds you blessed and thriving. As we journey through this season of change and renewal, I want to take a moment to share some important updates with you regarding my health, our church leadership, and exciting developments with our Mars Hill resources. Your support and engagement during this time are invaluable to me and our church community. Health Update and Prayer Request I wanted to share a personal update and ask for your prayers. Recently, I...

🌟 Discover What's New This Week at Mars Hill Anywhere - Updates, Insights, and Invitations!

Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family, Welcome to this week's edition of the Mars Hill Anywhere newsletter! As we grow in faith and fellowship, this issue brings you updates and inspirational content designed to enrich your spiritual journey. From powerful sermon insights to community news and special upcoming events, each segment is crafted to keep you connected and informed. Dive into this week's updates to see how you can engage more deeply with our vibrant community. Last Sunday's Sermon Recap:...
A Dead Battery Can't Jump Another Dead Battery: Surround Yourself with People Who Recharge Your Spirit

[NEW POST] Escape the Energy Vampires: Connect with People Who Recharge You!

Happy Tuesday Reader, In our journey through life, our company plays a pivotal role in shaping our perspectives, emotional well-being, and overall spiritual health. Just as a dead battery can't jump-start another, surrounding ourselves with individuals who drain our spirit rather than enrich, it can leave us feeling depleted and stagnant. A Dead Battery Can't Jump Another Dead Battery: Surround Yourself with People Who Recharge Your Spirit Recognizing Energy Drainers vs. Energy Givers We...

[NEW PODCAST EPISODE] Unlock Your Best 20s: Discover the 10 Key Milestones 🌟

Hello Reader, I hope this email finds you well! I'm excited to share something that could not only transform your day but might reshape the decade for anyone you know navigating their 20s. 🎧 New Episode Alert: "Avoid Regrets: Achieve These 10 Goals by 30" Our twenties are a time of exploration, growth, and laying the groundwork for the rest of our lives. That's why our latest podcast episode dives deep into the 10 must-achieve milestones that set the stage for a successful and fulfilling...

🌟 New Beginnings Await! Explore This Week's Exciting Mars Hill Updates 🌟

Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family, Welcome to this week's edition of our Mars Hill Anywhere Email Newsletter! Inside, you'll find enriching content that promises to uplift, inspire, and bring us closer as a community. From powerful sermon recaps to exciting updates about our weekly services and special events, there's something for everyone. Discover how to deepen your spiritual journey and connect with fellow members meaningfully. This newsletter is a testament to our strong community, and...

🌟 Exciting News: Your Mars Hill App Just Got Better!

Happy Friday Reader, We're thrilled to share some exciting updates with you! Think of the Mars Hill app as The Church in Your Pocket—where everything you need to stay connected and inspired is just a tap away. Here’s what’s new: 📖 Weekly Devotional: Jumpstart your week with a message that uplifts and guides. Whether you're on the go or at home, find a moment of peace and reflection anytime. 💌 1% Better Newsletter: Get inspired with our weekly newsletter, packed with tips, stories, and ideas...

‼️ [NEW SERIES] Breaking The Bonds of Isolation: Join Our Transformative Journey 🛣️

Happy Thursday Reader, Breaking The Bonds of Isolation: Join Our Transformative Journey (Your invitation to turn loneliness into communal strength) Are you feeling isolated or disconnected? You're not alone. "Alone Together: Breaking The Bonds of Isolation" is a series meticulously crafted to bridge the gaps of loneliness and cultivate deep, meaningful adult friendships. 🔹 From Isolation to Community: Each week, we embark on a thematic exploration—from understanding the roots of loneliness to...

✝️ [Mars Hill Anywhere Updates] Join Our Journey: From Isolation to Community Starts Now

Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family, Welcome to this week's Mars Hill Anywhere update! As we continue to grow together in faith and fellowship, we are excited to share some pivotal developments and heartfelt invitations with you. From reflections on our latest sermon to exciting news about our Life Groups and upcoming services, this newsletter is packed with opportunities for connection, growth, and celebration. Whether you're joining us in person or online, there's something special for everyone....

✝️ Embracing New Beginnings - Mars Hill Anywhere Update 🌅

Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family, I hope this message finds you enjoying this season’s joy and renewal. Last Sunday, an extraordinary Resurrection Sunday, we witnessed the beauty of our growing family—you filled every seat, and the air buzzed with heartfelt worship and unity. It was a vivid testament to the vibrant community we’re building together. Worship at Mars Hill on Resurrection Sunday In this week’s reflection, I want to share a message that resonates deeply with the essence of renewal...
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