🌟 New Beginnings Await! Explore This Week's Exciting Mars Hill Updates 🌟

Published 22 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Dear Mars Hill Anywhere Family,

Welcome to this week's edition of our Mars Hill Anywhere Email Newsletter!

Inside, you'll find enriching content that promises to uplift, inspire, and bring us closer as a community. From powerful sermon recaps to exciting updates about our weekly services and special events, there's something for everyone.

Discover how to deepen your spiritual journey and connect with fellow members meaningfully. This newsletter is a testament to our strong community, and we're excited to share it with you.

Sermon Recap: "Alone, But Never Lonely"

"Alone, But Never Lonely: Finding God's Presence in Your Present" offers a transformative look at how to perceive and overcome loneliness through a spiritual lens.

​This sermon addresses the universal feeling of loneliness and transforms it into an opportunity to deepen our relationship with God.

Drawing insights from scripture, such as Psalm 56:8 and Deuteronomy 31:8, this message underscores God's constant presence in every moment of solitude.

Learn practical steps to recognize God's companionship in your daily life and extend His love to others who feel isolated.

If you want to explore the theme of "Alone, But Never Lonely: Finding God's Presence in Your Present," you can watch the entire sermon on our mobile app or YouTube.

This message will enrich your spiritual understanding and equip you with practical steps to embrace God's companionship daily.

Follow this link to watch now and share the experience with others who might benefit from this encouraging message.

video preview​

Life Groups: Deepening Our Faith Together

Our Life Groups are back in session! We are delighted to announce that the second session focuses on Chapters 7-12 of 'From Rubble to Renewal: The Nehemiah Strategy for Modern Times.'

This session is not just a chance to connect with others but also a golden opportunity to gain deep spiritual insights and apply Nehemiah's timeless lessons to our lives.

If you haven't joined a Life Group yet, it's not too late! Text LIFEGROUP to 33777 to find a group near you. For those needing a copy of the book, it's available on Amazon at this link. Join us to grow in faith and fellowship with your Mars Hill family.

Moving to Weekly Sunday Services

We are excited to announce our plan to return to weekly Sunday services, both in person and online, as part of our ongoing mission to foster a closer-knit community.

Achieving this goal requires a monthly investment of $5000, and we can make it happen with your generous support.

Join us in our "Beyond The Building" campaign to understand the vision for Mars Hill's future and how your additional offerings can contribute significantly to this new chapter.

Learn more and consider contributing at Beyond The Building.

Join us This Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 10:30 AM Central at our McCook location, 7941 47th St, McCook, IL 60525.

β€‹πŸ“In-Person Location @ 10:30 AM Central:
7941 47th St, McCook, IL 60525

Your Support is a Blessing πŸ™

Look, as you all know, making ministry happen ain't cheap!

Your prayers and financial support have been pivotal in enabling our ministry to thrive. Thanks to your generosity, we can continue creating impactful messages and advancing our mission.

We encourage you to donate financially to help Mars Hill Anywhere keep doing its good work and grow.

Your donations don't just help us; they also spread our message of love and forgiveness to people in need, both in our local area and worldwide.

It's easy to donate. Go to our safe online giving portal or call our hardworking team at 773-287-3535.

Every gift, big or small, helps us move forward with our goal and support people looking for spiritual food.

We appreciate you being a part of the Mars Hill Anywhere group.

We are truly blessed to be on this journey, combining the best in-person and online worship to create a transformative and inclusive spiritual experience. Thank you for being a part of the Mars Hill Anywhere family.

In His Grip,

Pastor Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

P.S. We encourage you to engage with us throughout the weekβ€”share your thoughts, reflections, and joy on our social media platforms. Let's make this Holy Week an enriching experience for all.


Subscribe to Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.

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